Welcome Message

The CUA is approaching a historic milestone — in 2025, we will be hosting our 80th annual meeting, a testament to the longevity and prestige of the Canadian urological community. Although many changes have occurred in our practice and our association over the last 80 years, the CUA Annual Meeting continues to be the cornerstone for exchanging knowledge and reuniting with colleagues and friends. We are proud to continue building on the growth of our association. Not only is the CUA The Voice of Urology and all its subspecialties in Canada, with a great international reputation, but it has also become a central source of information and education for multidisciplinary audiences. The CUA currently enjoys collaborations with colleagues in medical oncology, radiation oncology, urology nurses of Canada, nurses in oncology, nuclear medicine, and pharmacy, with many others to come. As we continue to embrace the multidisciplinary transformation of urologic care, Drs. Monica Farcas and Ross Mason and their scientific committee have created a very topical and interactive academic program, with a focus on practical clinical information. The CUA Annual Meeting and its continued relevance in advancing urologic care will also provide the opportunity for clinicians and industry partners to discuss the many urological innovations and engage directly with key decision-makers and influencers in the field. On behalf of the CUA Board of Directors, the scientific program committee, and the corporate office, I would like to welcome you to what will be yet another outstanding event in the nation’s capital.
D. Ricardo Rendon
CUA President 2024-2025
Abstract submission opens:
October 31, 2024
Abstract submission deadline:
January 12, 2025
Registration opens:
February 2025
Early-bird registration ends:
April 1, 2025
Hotel room reservation cut-off date:
May 27, 2025
Meeting Dates:
Friday June 27 – Sunday, June 29, 2025

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